Catholic World News

Public statement calls for Pope’s resignation

May 03, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: A group of Catholic scholars and journalists has issued a call for the resignation of Pope Francis, accusing him of “criminal acts gravely damaging to the Church” and charging “that he rejects the Catholic faith, and has worked to destroy the faith of other Catholics.”

The lengthy statement, issued on the feast of St. Athanasius, calls upon the world’s bishops to demand the Pontiff’s resignation. In a lengthy indictment, it lists his protection of priests and prelates accused of involvement in sexual abuse, his suppression of the traditional Latin Mass, his secret pact with China, and his statements which, in the opinion of the signatories, constitute heresy. On each point the statement explains the reasons for the charge.

The statement is signed by Peter Kwasniewski, John Rist, John-Henry Westen, and fifteen others.

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