Palestinian Christian woman arrested without warrant, detained without charges
April 18, 2024
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CWN Editor's Note: Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury, the Anglican primate, has voiced concern about the arrest of Layan Nasir, 23, a Palestinian Christian woman.
Nasir was arrested at gunpoint in her parents’ home in the West Bank on April 6 without a warrant and has been detained without charges.
In his coverage of the arrest for the Vatican newspaper, Roberto Cetera reported that Nasir is the only Christian among the 3,500 people in Israeli administrative detention.
“Administrative detention has a ‘preventive’ character, i.e., it concerns the possibility that the arrested person may commit a crime in the future, even if he has no criminal record,” Cetera reported. “So theoretically anyone could be arrested without any proven guilt, or suspicion of guilt.”
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