Brussels police shut down conservative conference
April 16, 2024
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CWN Editor's Note: Police in Brussels on April 16 closed down access to a National Conservatism Conference at which Cardinal Gerhard Müller was a featured speaker.
On orders from Mayor Emir Kir, police blocked the doors of the Claridge Hotel, at which the conference was being held. The mayor said that the conference was likely to cause violence because of the speakers’ vocal opposition to abortion, homosexuality, and immigration. Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban and Brexit leader Nigel Farage were also featured speakers.
The conference continued, but with limited participation and a heavy police presence.
Belgium’s Prime Minister Alexander De Croo condemned the closing of the conference as “unacceptable.” While acknowledging the mayor’s authority, he said that local officials “can never overrule the Belgian constitution guaranteeing the freedom of speech and peaceful assembly.”
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