Kenyan archbishop sees ‘unprecedented’ attack on family life
February 23, 2024
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CWN Editor's Note: The vice-president of the Kenyan bishops’ conference warned against “the trivialization of the traditional understanding of the Christian marriage,” in a February 22 address to a meeting of the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences of the Eastern Africa region (AMECEA).
“The challenges to Christian marriage and family have never been unrelenting as in our time,” said Archbishop Maurice Muhatia Makumba of Kisumu. He recalled the statement of Pope John Paul II, in his apostolic exhortation Ecclesia in Africa, that “the future of the world and the Church passes through the family.” The crisis in family life will inevitably bring harm to the Church, the archbishop said.
Archbishop Makumba also recalled that during the Synod on Africa, the participating prelates warned: “Do not allow the African family to be ridiculed on its own soil.” That plea went unheeded, he continued, when the UN population conference in Cairo, in 1994, “clearly sealed the wish to adopt resolutions clearly contradicting the values of the African family. It was literally a slap in the face.”
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