Catholic World News

Utah bishop urges faithful to lobby lawmakers on seal of Confession

February 01, 2024

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CWN Editor's Note: Bishop Oscar Solis of Salt Lake City has asked the faithful of Utah’s sole diocese to contact lawmakers about the importance of the seal of Confession.

“This year the Utah Legislature again is considering legislation that would allow clergy members, including Catholic priests, to report to law enforcement ongoing abuse or neglect even if this information is gained during a confession,” he wrote. “ We are concerned about the possibility that the language could be changed to require that Catholic priests report such abuse even if they have learned about the abuse solely during the Sacrament of Confession.” [Emphases added.]

“I respectfully ask our legislators to oppose any legislation that curtails religious liberties, and I encourage all the Church faithful to talk to their respective representatives, give them a call, send a letter or email and make them aware of the centrality of the Seal of the Confession to our faith,” he added.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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