Catholic World News

As crews contain European fires, Pope sounds alarm on climate threat

July 31, 2023

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CWN Editor's Note: Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Holy See’s Secretary of State, sent a telegram in the Holy Father’s name to Bishop Petros Stefànou, president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Greece, as firefighters battled a wave of wildfires.

As he prayed for the firefighters, the Pontiff expressed “hope that the risks to our common home, exacerbated by the present climate crisis, will spur all people to renew their efforts to care for the gift of creation, for the sake of future generations.”

The Pope offered similar sentiments in a telegram to Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, president of the Italian Episcopal Conference, in the wake of wildfires and storms there.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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