Catholic World News

Wisconsin bishop chastises CHA, Network for dissent on health care

March 26, 2010

Bishop Robert Morlino of Madison, Wisconsin, has taken to task the leaders of the Catholic Health Association and the liberal lobby Network for their outspoken support of President Obama's heath-care reform bill. Bishop Morlino was particularly critical of the groups for saying that the US bishops were taking the wrong position. " The Lord Jesus Christ, unworthy though the bishops are, called the bishops to lead the people in faith; He did not call anybody in the Catholic Health Association and he did not call any of the Sisters in Network," the bishop said.


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  • Posted by: sparch - Mar. 29, 2010 4:00 PM ET USA

    The American bishops lost control of their religious orders (men and women), they lost control of their universitys, lost control of their charities, and they have lost control of their healthcare systems. They have fallen asleep for sixty years, squandering the legacy of the American Church. I am heartened that some of the bishops are starting to growl.

  • Posted by: Gregory108 - Mar. 27, 2010 4:29 AM ET USA

    Right! Jesus didn't call the 12 nuns; He called the 12 Apostles. He gave the keys to Peter, not to Sister! If this doesn't argue for the Vatican's visitation of convents/women's religious communities, I don't know what does! But visit them fast before they disappear! Remarkable how the communities true to the Church are growing, while the old traditional "communities of the rebellious" are disappearing. "He who has/produces much will be given more; he with little will have even that taken away!"

  • Posted by: ChoosingLife - Mar. 26, 2010 9:02 PM ET USA

    I hope Bishop Morlino and his brother bishops of Wisconsin also take to task the Wisconsin Catholic Conference, who took a "neutral" stand regarding a mandatory contraception bill. The Wisconsin Catholic Conference did nothing different than the Catholic Health Association (all the Wisconsin bishops eventually joined Bishops Morlino and Listecki, but it was too late):

  • Posted by: Minnesota Mary - Mar. 26, 2010 6:59 PM ET USA

    Bravo Bishop Morlino! That's telling 'em!