Catholic World News

French hierarchy kept silent on abuse by disciplined bishop

October 24, 2022

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CWN Editor's Note: A French bishop who resigned last year, citing “health reasons,” was actually removed by the Vatican and disciplined because of abuse of the confessional and sexual abuse of young men.

Earlier this month, the Diocese of Crétiel acknowledged that Bishop Michel Santier had been instructed by the Vatican to live in “prayer an penance,” after an investigation into his misconduct. Now the French journal Famille Chrétienne has revealed that his offenses included “striptease confessions.”

The abuses were reported to Archbishop Michel Aupetit of Paris in 2019, and Bishop Santier confessed. But he remained in office until January 2021, when his resignation was announced. The French hierarchy did not disclose the real reasons for his departure. Archbishop Aupetit (who subsequently retired), asked: “Why are so many people digging through the trash?” Earlier this year BIshop Dominique Blanchet, the new head of the Crétiel diocese, concelebrated with his disgraced predecessor.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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