Catholic World News

Pope, in new interview, speaks on ‘zero tolerance,’ his health problems

September 05, 2022

» Continue to this story on CNN

CWN Editor's Note: In an interview with CNN Portugal, Pope Francis defended a ‘zero tolerance’ policy on sexual abuse, raised questions about whether he will travel to Kazakhstan this month, and joked that either he or the next Pope would attend World Youth Day in Lisbon next year.

“This is one thing about abuse, it is a destructive thing, humanly diabolical,” he continued. “In families there is no celibacy and all that and, sometimes, it happens.”

CNN also reported that the Pope “said he was unable to travel at the moment because of issues with his knee,” a remark that raises questions about whether he will make his apostolic journey to Kazakhstan on September 13.

Asked whether he would attend the World Youth Day celebration, the Pontiff said: “I plan to go.” He added, joking: “The Pope is going to go — either Francis or John XXIV — but the Pope is going.”

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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