Catholic World News

Chinese bishop demands priests, laity accept role of Patriotic Association

August 02, 2022

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CWN Editor's Note: A Chinese bishop has threatened to bar lay Catholics from the sacraments if they do not recognize priests affiliated with the government-backed Patriotic Association.

Bishop Francis Shuxin of Baoding has instructed his priests to register with the Patriotic Association, noting that Vatican instructions have encouraged registration. Priests who do not register will be in violation of Chinese law, the bishop warned.

Priests who served in the “underground” Chinese Church are now under mounting pressure to join the Patriotic Association—an organization whose purposes Pope Benedict XVI condemned as incompatible with the Catholic faith.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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  • Posted by: Randal Mandock - Aug. 04, 2022 2:03 PM ET USA

    Chaos, confusion, and coercion -- the cost of "unity". Working hard to eliminate the "problem" of the "underground Church". Justice and mercy working hand in hand? Not exactly an example of peaceful unity for the world to emulate. Is Bishop Shuxin walking in the bold footsteps of Archbishop Cordileone and the prelates who support his gracious act of ecclesial discipline? "Priests who do not register will be in violation of Chinese law". Where is that wall of separation when you need it most?