Catholic World News

New massacre in Nigeria: two churches attacked

June 20, 2022

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CWN Editor's Note: Several people were killed, and an estimated 40 were kidnapped, when terrorists struck at two Christian churches in Nigeria’s northwestern Kaduna state on June 19.

Several armed men disrupted Sunday Mass at St. Moses church in Rubuh, shooting at random into the congregation. The armed men also stormed into nearby Maranatha Baptist Church, shooting and taking hostages.

Relatives of those who were kidnapped are now waiting to receive ransom demands.

The bloody assault came just two weeks after another massacre in a church in Ondo state, which claimed at least 50 victims.

The village of Rubuh had suffered attacks twice earlier this year, in January and again in April. Both of the churches targeted on June 19 had moved their services forward, hoping that terrorists would not strike early in the morning.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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