Catholic World News

Pope praises Covid ‘fact-checkers,’ raps ‘distortion of reality’

January 28, 2022

» Continue to this story on Vatican Press Office

CWN Editor's Note: Pope Francis said that “an ‘infodemic’ is spreading: a distortion of reality based on fear,” as he spoke on January 28 to members of the International Catholic Media Consortium, a group dedicated to “fact-checking” coverage of the Covid epidemic and vaccines.

The Pope thanked the Catholic “fact-checkers” for their effort to combat “an explosion of commentary on falsified if not invented news.” The group has devoted itself to disputing negative information about Covid vaccines.

“The antidote to every type of falsification is to let ourselves be purified by the truth,” the Pope said.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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  • Posted by: Randal Mandock - Jan. 29, 2022 8:06 AM ET USA

    "...a distortion of reality based on fear". Does it take courage to stand up against the politicians, pharmaceutical companies, and elements of the medical Establishment who couldn't care less about the abortions that drive much of pharmaceutical and other research today? If so, then why is the Church not actively putting its life on the line against this slaughter? Little more than a word or two to cover its bases? Christ would vomit its leadership out for its sophistry. Fear or political gain?