Catholic World News

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith shelved draft USCCB LGBT pastoral ministry document

January 27, 2022

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CWN Editor's Note: “Draft guidelines from the US bishops’ conference urge meaningful relationships with people who identify as LGBT, and call for discerning complex pastoral and sacramental situations carefully, while upholding the doctrinal teachings of the Catholic Church,” according to the report. “But the guidelines, drafted in 2018, have not been released by the bishops’ conference, or even put to a vote, at the direction of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.”

The Pillar reported that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith asked the US bishops to wait because the Congregation was planning to release its own document. The “draft Vatican text was actually written in 2018, but has also not been published.”

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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