125 German priests, Church employees ‘come out,’ demand changes
January 25, 2022
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CWN Editor's Note: 125 German priests and lay employees “came out” and demanded that the Church do away with “outdated statements of Church doctrine.”
“The #OutInChurch initiative demands ... to change the church’s labor law in such a way that a life in accordance with one’s own sexual orientation and gender identity, also in a partnership or civil marriage, does not lead to exclusion from tasks and offices nor to dismissal,” the group said in a statement.
Bishop Helmut Dieser of Aachen praised the initiative: “I would like to welcome this on behalf of the German Bishops’ Conference as a sign that we are working to ensure that such a climate of freedom from fear must prevail and arise in our Church.”
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Posted by: Randal Mandock -
Jan. 26, 2022 5:53 PM ET USA
Is it projection? Why do bishops and the Vatican think that any Catholic "fears" persons who consider themselves homosexual? What true Catholics fear is sin. What they detest is sinful behavior. What they want to prevent is the spread of objectively sinful "lifestyles". Why? First and foremost, they want to prevent the damage that sinful behaviors can inflict on the moral development of innocent children. Secondly, sinful public behavior encourages similar behavior in the weak in mind and spirit