Catholic World News

Cardinal Dolan: ‘Religion Is the glue’ to fix society’s crises

January 03, 2022

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CWN Editor's Note: “The drift from God – and sometimes it’s more than a drift; it’s a gallop – is, in my mind, the basic reason for all the woes that we see today – whether it be crime, whether it be family tension, you name it,” Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York said in an interview with Newsmax.

“When society and culture taunt us to believe that we are gods, we are in charge of everything, everything revolves around us, we deserve constant entitlements and worship – well, then you’re going to shatter a window at Saks and take everything. You’re going to shoot somebody who might get in your way. You’re going to abort a baby that is inconvenient. You’re going to end the life of grandma who’s proved to be ‘a burden.’”

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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  • Posted by: frjt - Jan. 03, 2022 9:11 AM ET USA

    His grace is right, but when one observes his campy, in what appears as a lack of respect for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, one cannot help but ask if these kind of novus ordo 'barkers' aren't contributing to the "drift"