Catholic Culture Trusted Commentary
Catholic Culture Trusted Commentary
Catholic World News

Beatification for Pope John Paul I set for September

December 23, 2021

» Continue to this story on Avvenire (Italian)

CWN Editor's Note: Pope John Paul I will be beatified on September 4, Vatican News has disclosed.

Elected in August 1978 to succeed Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul I (Albino Luciani) occupied Peter’s throne for only 33 days before his sudden death.

His native diocese of Belluno-Feltre, Italy, instituted the cause for his canonization, which ended in November 2017 with a finding of his heroic virtue. In October the Congregation for the Causes of Saints certified a miracle attributed to his influence, thereby fulfilling the requirements for canonization.

Pope John Paul I will be the 6th Pontiff of the 20th century to be beatified. That number includes all of the deceased Popes since the opening of Vatican II.

The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.


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