Vatican diplomacy discouraging ‘underground’ Chinese Catholics, archbishop says
August 19, 2021
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CWN Editor's Note: A Chinese prelate reports that the faithful of China’s ‘underground’ Church “have felt abandoned by the Holy See.” Archbishop Savio Hon Tai-Fai told a conference of the US-China Catholic Association that Vatican diplomacy has discouraged the underground communities and encouraged the Beijing regime that “tightens control and pulls down crosses.” The archbishop’s candid appraisal is particularly noteworthy because he himself serves in the Vatican diplomatic corps, as apostolic nuncio in Greece.
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Posted by: Randal Mandock -
Aug. 20, 2021 3:12 PM ET USA
Some in the Western Church are sensing discouragement as well. This is presumably to make us better witnesses and evangelizers sent by Christ. For those of us who have been wondering how we can best stand in solidarity with the "underground" Church in China, this appears to be a golden opportunity to pick up our cross and follow Christ. The new alignment of Church and state in China and the West can allow a strong countercultural witness to both Church and state. Teach your children well.