Jesuit college’s management, fundraising programs benefited Planned Parenthood
December 04, 2009
A Jesuit college in Buffalo has helped “maximize [the] personal and company performance” of Planned Parenthood of Buffalo and Erie County, according to the college’s website. Planned Parenthood has taken part in Canisius College’s management development program (MDP), which offers participants “powerful tools and techniques to maximize personal and company performance.” Planned Parenthood is also a past participant in Canisius College’s Fundamentals of Fundraising course.
Founded in 1870, Canisius College has 4,916 students, 3,346 of them undergraduates.
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Further information:
- MDP participants (Canisius College)
- Fundraising participants (Canisius College)
- Leader of Catholic college’s nursing department held positions with Planned Parenthood (CWN, 12/3)
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Posted by: Pete -
Dec. 05, 2009 12:16 AM ET USA
When will the once respected Jesuits learn? No wonder their vocations are down. Between inviting pro-abortion, dissenting "Catholics" to speak, run obscene programs, and entice donations to scams like Acorn, Planned Parenthood, and Campaign for Human Development it's a miracle the students are even getting an education. And we question why the Churches are empty!
Posted by: sparch -
Dec. 04, 2009 10:45 AM ET USA
When will the church stop throwing money at anything that has the label of "Social Justice" on it. Whose society and whose justice? When I read and listen to our church leaders from Rome speak about the world and our role in it, they couch all their observations and perspective on the role of christ in all they do. I do not find this with these American organizations. It becomes social justice at any cost!