Wisconsin bishop warns of possible canonical penalties against priest for video on Democratic Party
September 10, 2020
» Continue to this story on Diocese of La Crosse
CWN Editor's Note: In a recent video, Father James Altman of La Crosse urged Catholics to “repent of your support of that party or face the fires of hell.” Bishop William Patrick Callahan responded, “I understand the undeniable truth that motivates his message ... Unfortunately, the tone Fr. Altman offers comes off as angry and judgmental, lacking any charity and in a way that causes scandal both in the Church and in society. His generalization and condemnation of entire groups of people is completely inappropriate.”
The above note supplements, highlights, or corrects details in the original source (link above). About CWN news coverage.
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Posted by: amy.craig668991 -
Sep. 11, 2020 9:02 AM ET USA
Fr. Altman's sermons during the past three months have been among the very few things that have helped me maintain my sanity. I am not exaggerating. Im beg pardon, Bishop, please do not silence him! We need men who understand the pattern of Social Decline brought on by Marxist ideologues who embrace Leninist tacticts. Most good people have not investigated the filth and its causes as has F. Altman. Even as I type this I feel my anger boil.
Posted by: philtech2465 -
Sep. 10, 2020 7:22 PM ET USA
Bishop Callahan of La Crosse is actually somewhat restrained in his statement, stating he is only undertaking "fraternal correction" with respect to Fr Altman, and not other penalties. Still, there is a problem. In the tone of his video, Fr Altman arguably crossed a line. But the "Catholic" Joe Biden, clearly went farther over a different and much more important line. I wish the Bishop's statement reflected the relative gravity of Biden's offense compared to Fr Altman's.