Catholic Culture Trusted Commentary
Catholic Culture Trusted Commentary
Catholic World News

Cardinal calls for prayer, solidarity following Westminster attack

March 24, 2017

Cardinal Vincent Nichols expressed his shock at the Westminster terrorist attack that left 40 injured and five dead, including the perpetrator, a 52-year-old British convert to Islam.

“The kind of violence we have seen all too often in other places has again brought horror and killing to this city,” the prelate said, adding:

Let our voice be one of prayer, of compassionate solidarity, and of calm. All who believe in God, Creator and Father of every person, will echo this voice, for faith in God is not a problem to be solved, but a strength and a foundation on which [to] depend.


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  • Posted by: R. Spanier (Catholic Canadian) - Mar. 24, 2017 11:46 AM ET USA

    "Our Father in heaven..." "No Muslim, I felt certain, ever thought of Allah as his father. Since childhood, I had been told that the surest way to know about Allah was to pray five times a day and study and think on the Koran. Yet Dr. (Pia) Santiago's words came to me again. 'Talk to God. Talk to Him as if He were your Father.' ...Wouldn't it be sinful to bring the Great One down to our level? I fell asleep that night more confused than ever." Bilquis Sheikh,'I Dared to Call Him Father' p. 50