Cardinal Burke asked chancellor of Knights of Malta to resign, order’s interim leader says
February 16, 2017
The new acting head of the Knights of Malta has said that it was Cardinal Burke, not the order’s ousted grand master, who asked for the resignation of the chancellor, Albrecht von Boeselager.
Ludwig Hoffman von Rumerstein, who will lead the Knights of Malta until a new grand master is elected, said that he was present at a December 6 meeting when Cardinal Burke asked for Boeselager’s resignation. Previous accounts have indicated that Fra’ Matthew Festing, who was then the head of the order, asked for the chancellor’s resignation and then ordered him to resign. As patron of the Knights of Malta, Cardinal Burke would have held the authority to suggest a resignation, but not to require it.
Hoffman von Rumerstein said that reforms in the Knights of Malta, to be carried out at the behest of Pope Francis, would include changes in the way the grand master is selected, and an age limit at which the leader of the order would be expected to resign. The Vatican had announced that a special papal legate would be responsible solely for the spiritual renewal of the order.
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Further information:
- Knights of Malta chief says it was Burke who asked official to resign (Crux)
- Knights of Malta accept Pope’s intervention (CWN, 1/30)
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Posted by: [email protected] -
Feb. 18, 2017 1:03 AM ET USA
The Pope has a very prideful streak. Cardinal Burke is also one the Cardinals that submitted the Dubia. Now for his rightful duty with the Knights the German piece of it have created waves and got the Pope's ear. Sound familiar. The Church in Germany used to be very Catholic but has been going by the wayside. Look at what the hierarchy there are trying to push on the rest of the Church. Sad and shameful.
Posted by: bruno -
Feb. 17, 2017 8:55 AM ET USA
And for his pains, he is rewarded with an extended assignment in Guam. This is the preferred method of reprogramming. I've seen several good priests consigned to obscure posts for not going along with the pastoral 'soft speak'.
Posted by: Randal Mandock -
Feb. 16, 2017 7:10 PM ET USA
Just as expected: Cardinal Burke was doing his job of safeguarding the faith and the reputation and honor of the Knights.