Archbishop Cupich named member of Congregation for Bishops
July 07, 2016
Pope Francis has named Archbishop Blase Cupich of Chicago a member of the Congregation for Bishops.
The Congregation’s members, whether curial prelates or diocesan bishops like Archbishop Cupich (who remains Archbishop of Chicago), assist the Congregation’s prefect and secretary in making recommendations to the Pope for the appointment of bishops in non-mission Latin-rite dioceses. The appointment of Archbishop Cupich gives him considerable influence in the selection of new bishops, especially for the US.
The Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples recommends the appointment of bishops in mission territories; members of curial congregations automatically cease to be so at the age of 80.
In December 2013, Pope Francis confirmed Cardinal Marc Ouellet as the Congregation’s prefect but reconstituted its membership, retaining 18 members and appointing 12 new ones. Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington was among the new members, while Cardinal Raymond Burke was among those not retained.
For all current news, visit our News home page.
Further information:
- Rinunce e nomine (Holy See Press Office)
- Cardinal Wuerl added to Congregation for Bishops, replacing Cardinal Burke (VIS)
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Posted by: brenda22890 -
Jul. 08, 2016 9:43 AM ET USA
I have so far resisted the idea that Pope Francis is outright attempting to dismantle the Church and all that Jesus taught (with the exception of care for the poor - but handled by the State.) It's getting more and more difficult to keep telling myself that the Pope means well, his intentions are good even if decisions and language are unfortunate, etc. I pray daily for the Holy Spirit to teach him, and for our beleaguered Church.
Posted by: phineas -
Jul. 07, 2016 10:25 PM ET USA
Burke out; Cupich and Wuerl in. Personnel is policy. Holy and faithful members of the clergy too often tell we the laity that it's a good time to chip away at the notion of papolatry, not to put so much emphasis on what this pope says, for in time it must align with the Magisterium if it is to stand. But the de facto result is that, on the ground level where we live, the shift toward Protestantism and secularism and relativism is coming swift, and will carry a multitude of souls into Hell.
Posted by: Randal Mandock -
Jul. 07, 2016 2:50 PM ET USA
This article clarifies how it happened that we are laboring under the current crop of U.S. bishops. Insiders sway the pope to their way of thinking. The laity end up having to foot the bill.
Posted by: 1Jn416 -
Jul. 07, 2016 1:46 PM ET USA
May the Good Lord have mercy upon and assist His pilgrim Church. Amen.
Posted by: shrink -
Jul. 07, 2016 12:19 PM ET USA
Cupich will do what he can to implement gay sharia. Yet another gift from Pope Francis.
Posted by: feedback -
Jul. 07, 2016 11:40 AM ET USA
I do not understand this particular appointment. Someone "influential" could be misleading Pope Francis.