CDF official dismissed after announcing homosexual relationship
October 05, 2015
An official of the Congregation of the Doctrine for the Faith was dismissed from his staff and teaching positions after he announced he was involved in a homosexual relationship.
Though described by some news agencies as a “senior official,” Msgr. Krzystof Charamsa has served since 2011 as adjunct secretary of the International Theological Commission, which assists the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in addressing doctrinal questions. The 43-year-old priest of the Diocese of Pelplin, Poland, has worked for the Congregation since 2003.
The priest also taught classes at the Pontifical Gregory University and the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum.
“With regard to the declarations and interview given by Msgr. Krzystof Charamsa it should be observed that, notwithstanding the respect due to the events and personal situations, and reflections on the issue, the decision to make such a pointed statement on the eve of the opening of the Synod appears very serious and irresponsible, since it aims to subject the Synod assembly to undue media pressure,” Father Federico Lombardi, the director of the Holy See Press Office, said in an October 3 statement.
“Msgr. Charamsa will certainly be unable to continue to carry out his previous work in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the pontifical universities, while the other aspects of his situation shall remain the competence of his diocesan Ordinary,” he added.
In announcing his homosexual relationship, Msgr. Charamsa told Corriere della Sera that
the Bible says nothing on the subject of homosexuality. It instead speaks of acts that I would call “homogenital.” Even heterosexual people may perform such acts, as happens in many prisons, but in that case they are acting against their nature and therefore committing a sin. When a gay person engages in those same acts, they are instead expressing their nature. The biblical sodomite has nothing to do with two gays that love each other in modern-day Italy and want to marry. I am unable to find a single passage, even in St Paul, that may be seen as referring to homosexual persons asking to be respected as such, since at the time the concept was unknown.
The priest also asserted that a 2005 curial document barring the ordination of men with deep-seated homosexual tendencies “was a shock. It didn't used to be like this.” However, previous curial documents, issued in 1961, 1974, 1990, and 2002, warned against the ordination or acceptance into religious life of persons with homosexual inclinations.
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Further information:
- Dichiarazione del Direttore della Sala Stampa, P. Lombardi, a proposito delle dichiarazioni di mons. Charamsa (Holy See Press Office)
- Vatican Theologian Confesses: «I’m Happy to Be Gay and I Have a Partner» (Corriere della Sera)
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Posted by: Comares -
Oct. 06, 2015 5:48 AM ET USA
Why should being Homosexual preclude someone from Ordination? Surely the thing that should preclude any man from Ordination is the reluctance to renounce any sexual expression for the sake of the Kingdom? The problem is that the emphasis with someone that is Homosexual on the "sexual" aspect of the word. Many years ago when I was in Seminary, more than 50% of the Students had Homosexual inclinations and I have no doubt that most understood what that had to renounce, as did the heterosexual men.
Posted by: -
Oct. 05, 2015 8:24 PM ET USA
Dear wsw....., I see just the opposite: this man was expelled from his Church position as soon as his heterodox opinions and immoral lifestyle became public knowledge. So I say, "Thank God for the Catholic Church!" Chances are very good that if he does not recant/repent his Polish bishop will not let him continue in priestly ministry nor continue to pay his salary. He will be forced to go. Contrast this with non-Apostolic denominations which would promote him and lionize him. Praised be God!
Posted by: mwean7331 -
Oct. 05, 2015 8:21 PM ET USA
I am so angry! This "Priest" should be defrocked and /or stripped of his faculties. He has no right celebrating Mass and hearing confessions etc. He is disgrace to all the other Clergy. Never mind the homosexuality he took a vow of celibacy to God. does that mean nothing to him. Didn't he read Jesus said a man sleeping with a man is an abomination. Hope he wakes up before he meets his Maker.
Posted by: Mike in Toronto -
Oct. 05, 2015 7:56 PM ET USA
There's too much focus on his orientation. If he had said "This is my girlfriend; we're sexually involved and the Church should change its teaching to accept this," the results would have been the same: out of the CDF and an admonition from his Ordinary. It's not because he is gay, but because he is in a sexual relationship and has gone public with it. The media want it to be "anti-gay", but it's about this narcissist, an ordained clergyman, publicly breaking his vow/promise of chastity.
Posted by: wsw33410 -
Oct. 05, 2015 10:16 AM ET USA
This is sickening - he has been in the Vatican since 2003 (?), started as 31 year-old man and for 12 years no one have known about his deviation? Who made him a monsignor? Homosexual mafia in the Vatican is real, if anyone ever doubted. Now they want his bishop in Poland to act ---- to do what? Where is "zero" tolerance? It seem that the Vatican officials don't know how to handle it? Another cover up and allowing to stay in priesthood!!! Let him go! It makes me so angry ...
Posted by: feedback -
Oct. 05, 2015 7:27 AM ET USA
He is having his brief moment of fame, but his case will serve as a sobering eye-opener to the Bishops. A homosexually inclined candidate to the Priesthood is not renouncing marriage for the Kingdom of God, and he cannot even properly minister "in Persona Christi," representing Christ the Bridegroom of the Church. Ironically, the creation of "gay marriage" greatly helps to clarify the theology of ministerial Priesthood.