Catholic World News

New video reveals 'a lot' of intact baby cadavers supplied by Planned Parenthood

August 25, 2015

In a devastating new undercover video, released today by the Center for Medical Progress, the chief executive of an tissue-procurement company reports that Planned Parenthood supplies “a lot” of intact cadavers of aborted babies, and laughs at the shocked reactions of technicians who see the bodies.

Cate Dyer, the head of California-based StemExpress, tells an undercover interviewer that “lab techs freak out and have meltdowns” when they see the intact bodies of aborted babies. StemExpress had sought unsuccessfully to prevent release of the damaging video.

Dyer speaks at some length on the video about the business relationship between her company and Planned Parenthood, saying that “they are a volume institution.” She says that her company has a heavy demand for fetal tissues, which Planned Parenthood clinics can provide.

David Daleiden, who arranged the video recording for the Center for Medical Progress, remarks that StemExpress is the “weakest link” in the supply chain for fetal tissue, since the California company will “readily admit the profit motive that Planned Parenthood and their proxies have in supplying aborted baby parts.”

The Center for Medical Progress also notes that intact fetal cadavers, if they are to be suitable for medical research, are probably born alive before being harvested.

In the course of the video—the 8th in a series of exposes of the fetal-tissue business- Dyer also mentions that she has seen serious hygienic problems in some other abortion clinics. She refers to “rampant, rampant problems with bacteria” at clinics—apparently not those affiliated with Planned Parenthood.

In a related development, the Catholic Medical Association, the largest association of Catholic physicians and health-care professionals in the United States, has called upon the American Medical Association and all other medical organizations to condemn fetal organ trafficking.


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  • Posted by: vboast4348 - Aug. 26, 2015 5:47 AM ET USA

    A terrible article, but it deserves to be given the widest exposure, so that all round the world the trafficking in aborted babies, whether killed before birth or after, is made public. I have read on other blogs how people have changed their views and realized the true nature of abortion, after reading graphic descriptions of the process.

  • Posted by: jalsardl5053 - Aug. 25, 2015 11:04 PM ET USA

    Somewhere I read a carefully reasoned opinion that nothing can be done about this and I forget the litany of reasons but a key one is because it's legal. It seems to me that a charge of murder would do very well for there seems to be prima facie evidence of fully born babies whose body parts were sold. Who in the legal realm has the courage to take this on?

  • Posted by: R. Spanier (Catholic Canadian) - Aug. 25, 2015 7:15 PM ET USA

    "I accuse National Abortion Rights Action League; I accuse Planned Parenthood and all its co-conspirators in the abortion industry of a consistent conspiracy of silence, of keeping women in the dark, with respect to the true nature of abortion. And I challenge all those purveyors of abortion to show this real-time video tape (The Silent Scream) or one similar to it to all women before they consent to abortion." Bernard N. Nathanson, M.D., (from the 1984 documentary film 'The Silent Scream')

  • Posted by: jeremiahjj - Aug. 25, 2015 7:12 PM ET USA

    This would be a stunning revelation even if it was obtained illegally. You can thank the far left for this -- decades ago Christians warned America what would happen if abortion was made legal. Too bad what's left of these tiny bodies can't be hung around the necks of those who support Planned Parenthood and what the press calls women's right to choose. May people who participate in this carnage burn in hell.