Swiss bishop apologizes for calling homosexual acts 'abomination'
August 13, 2015
Under heavy public pressure, a Swiss Catholic bishop has issued a public apology for a statement in which he referred to homosexual activity as an abomination and cited Old Testament passages saying that offenders should be put to death.
Bishop Vitus Huonder of Chur sent a 3-page letter to clerics in which he said it had been a “mistake” to make his comments—which he had delivered at a forum in Germany—“on a theological and academic level.” He said that he should have shown a draft of his talk to colleagues, who would have warned him on the likely outcry.
The bishop faces criminal complaints on charges that his statement was “inciting people to crimes” against homosexuals.
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Posted by: nix898049 -
Sep. 14, 2015 4:40 PM ET USA
When Islamic State apologizes for throwing people off roofs for that activity! Oh, wait, I bet the Swiss public hasn't demanded that from them. Well, there's your target of opportunity, Hans! Get crackin!
Posted by: FredC -
Aug. 14, 2015 5:16 PM ET USA
We Catholics should object that we are being abused by the LGBT's. The LGBT's are telling us that we are wrong.
Posted by: extremeCatholic -
Aug. 14, 2015 5:03 PM ET USA
Is Bishop Vitus Huonder in communion with the Church that teaches that homosexual activity is an abomination and in communion with his brother bishops that teach that teach what the Church teaches? Does the bishop support or condemn his own diocesan priests and teachers now for teaching that homosexual activity is an abomination? Indeed, we have moved from the love that dare not speak its name, to the doctrine that dare not be taught.
Posted by: -
Aug. 14, 2015 4:26 PM ET USA
He called it as it is!! No getting around that fact. This is terrible when a member of the clergy has to back off and apologize for telling the truth.
Posted by: chady -
Aug. 14, 2015 9:08 AM ET USA
It appears we are being accused of using the Bible as a weapon with which to bash LGBT community. We need to depolarise evangelisation by effectively living the 'Good News'the Bible brings. The 'doors' of God's Church are open to all. As Catholics thru Confession we learn that repentance is taking on the character of Christ. Our Shepherds need to encourage us to imitate 'the virtues' in our dealings with all society. This will help to restore more souls to God. 'It is the spirit that gives life'
Posted by: james-w-anderson8230 -
Aug. 14, 2015 12:25 AM ET USA
Actually, he should have consulted Benedict XVI, who could have told him how to stand his ground.
Posted by: Minnesota Mary -
Aug. 13, 2015 2:16 PM ET USA
Sad, really sad. Political correctness will soon ban the Bible everywhere.