USCCB: protect National Housing Trust Fund
June 09, 2015
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has asked Catholics to lobby on behalf of the National Housing Trust Fund, a federal program created in 2008.
“The House of Representatives will soon vote on funding for transportation and affordable housing programs,” the USCCB stated in an action alert. “This bill would make a number of harmful changes: it would drastically cut back housing for poor households, and would restrict travel between the United States and Cuba.”
“The Trust Fund targets desperately needed funds to the poorest households, for whom the need is greatest,” the USCCB alert continued. “At a time of such high demand for affordable housing, we should be increasing our support for programs like the Trust Fund, not eliminating it.”
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Posted by: FredC -
Jun. 10, 2015 10:00 AM ET USA
The USCCB should publish the study, and its contrary arguments a la St. Thomas Aquinas' Summa, that led them to this conclusion.
Posted by: Thomas429 -
Jun. 10, 2015 3:00 AM ET USA
Dear Holy Fathers. It is not the federal government's responsibility to house anyone with the exception of those it employs. The responsibility should be returned to the communities and the churches therein. The concept of "Subsidiarity" and the U.S. Constitution demand it.
Posted by: skall391825 -
Jun. 09, 2015 7:17 PM ET USA
Another example of why Catholics in the pews should demand the drastic reduction of USCCB committees. Is this why we contribute? Pope Francis told us to "make a mess" where change is obviously necessary. He is reforming the Vatican; we should do the same in our local Churches.