Pope tells parents of seriously ill children: do not be afraid to ask God, ‘Why?’
June 01, 2015
Pope Francis met with 20 seriously ill children and their parents on May 29 and said that the suffering of children is a mystery, as the Trinity, the Eucharist, and grace are mysteries.
“So many times I think of Our Lady, when they gave her the dead body of her Son, all wounded, spat upon, bloody, dirty,” he said. “Even Our Lady did not understand.”
“Do not be afraid to ask the Lord, even to challenge the Lord: Why?” continued the Pope, who said that as we ask that question, God the Father looks upon us with a merciful gaze.
Referring to the words of a father who had rejected advice to abort his disabled child, the Pope compared abortion to the mafia, which seeks to get rid of “problems” by eliminating people.
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