Catholic World News

Bosnian cardinal: Europe fears Muslims, forgets its own Christian heritage

March 30, 2015

“Europe is afraid of Muslims,” Cardinal Vinko Puljic of Sarajevo charged in an interview with the Italian daily Il Giornale.

Europe, Cardinal Puljic said, has been sensitive to the rights of religious minorities, but today Europe “is forgetting the basis, the foundation: its Christian roots and culture.”

Commenting on the scheduled visit to Bosnia-Herzegovina by Pope Francis in June, the cardinal said that the Balkan nation has not achieved a stable peace after years of conflict. “This state does not work,” he said.

Cardinal Puljic reported that the Catholic population of Bosnia-Herzegovina has been cut nearly in half—from 820,000 to 430,000—since the Balkan war. Catholics are subject to discrimination, he said, and of the European investments designed to help rebuild the shattered country, “little has been received by Catholics.”


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  • Posted by: Minnesota Mary - Mar. 30, 2015 7:14 PM ET USA

    Another fine mess the U.S. created for Christians when Clinton bombed that part of the world.