Catholic World News

New Jersey parochial school suspends teacher for Facebook post against homosexuality

March 16, 2015

A Catholic-school teacher in New Jersey has been suspended from her position after she came under fire for a Facebook post on homosexuality.

Patricia Jannuzzi became the target of criticism after she charged that gay-rights activists “want to reengineer western civ into a slow extinction.” She added: “We need healthy families with a mother and a father for the sake of children and humanity!”

After a former student mounted a petition drive protesting the teacher’s comments, Immaculata School in Somerville, New Jersey, issued a statement saying that Jannuzzi’s post “do not in any way represent the philosophy, mission or student experience of this high school.” The school’s principal reassured parents that “the information posted on this social media page has not been reflected in the curriculum content of the classes she teaches."

Jannuzzi has removed the controversial post from her Facebook page. She has not commented on the disciplinary action against her.


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  • Posted by: murph5342568 - Mar. 20, 2015 11:00 AM ET USA

    I called the parish office of the Monsignor who fired Mrs. Januzzi and was told the Bishop ordered it but shame on the Monsignor-Seamus Brennan for not standing up to the Bishop Bootkoski of Metuchen , NJ. Mrs. Januzzi stood up for Christ and the teachings of our catholic faith. The bishop denied Christ- a politically correct bishop? Our catholic church is faithful to the teachings of Our Lord and is not politically correct-thank God!

  • Posted by: Foundas - Mar. 18, 2015 1:37 AM ET USA

    The teacher knows and appreciates the foundation of Catholic education much more than either the principal or paster. Pope Francis would have been suspended based upon his views. May God forgive them.

  • Posted by: debi8964 - Mar. 17, 2015 5:07 PM ET USA

    This is a disgrace and I strongly recommend contacting the Diocese of Metuchen where this school is located. Bishop Bootkoski - webpage:

  • Posted by: bernie4871 - Mar. 17, 2015 11:33 AM ET USA

    A Protestant Navy Chaplain has been removed from his job because of opposing homosexuality in private conversations (yesterday's news), and now a teacher can't even talk about family life in a Catholic way in a Catholic school. I think we can anticipate with anxiety the rules that the FCC will start enforcing on the Internet once they get their new rules in play. Surely a time of persecution has arrived.

  • Posted by: [email protected] - Mar. 16, 2015 9:14 PM ET USA

    Another crazy "Catholic" school. Her comments should clearly reflect what that school should be teaching. It is the students that need remedial education on their faith if indeed they are Catholic. The local Bishop should come out in support of the teacher.

  • Posted by: Ken - Mar. 16, 2015 7:49 PM ET USA

    I wonder what Immaculata School's "philosophy" is concerning homosexuality? Any bets on it matching the teachings of the Catholic faith?

  • Posted by: Minnesota Mary - Mar. 16, 2015 6:04 PM ET USA

    Well, if that Catholic School doesn't share Jannuzzi's views, then I think I would take my children out of that school.

  • Posted by: filioque - Mar. 16, 2015 5:46 PM ET USA

    And here I have been worried about the persecution of faithful Catholics by those outside the Church. The persecution is coming from inside, as this is not the first time that parents, students, and even administrators of a supposedly Catholic school have objected to simple Catholic truth. The rot is deep and old. God bless those who are working to root it out and God bless Miss Jannuzzi.

  • Posted by: Baturro54 - Mar. 16, 2015 5:44 PM ET USA

    May I ask, where is her Bishop? Is this not a "Catholic" High School? Oh, wherefore art thou ArchBishop Cordileone!!

  • Posted by: shrink - Mar. 16, 2015 5:33 PM ET USA

    Another reminder of what happened a year ago to Nashville Dominican nun, Sister Jane Dominic Laurel, OP. Outspoken Christians are being expelled from teaching for making pointed but defensible statements.

  • Posted by: rpp - Mar. 16, 2015 5:26 PM ET USA

    Suspended for upholding Catholic teaching? I suppose this is actually proof that her words are true. I will pray for her and the school leadership.