DC repeals religious schools’ exemption from law on homosexuality
December 05, 2014
In a 13-0 vote, the Washington, DC City Council passed the Human Rights Amendment Act of 2014, which repeals an exemption for religious schools from legislation related to sexual orientation.
City law had previously granted the following exemption:
It shall not be an unlawful discriminatory practice in the District of Columbia for any educational institution that is affiliated with a religious organization or closely associated with the tenets of a religious organization to deny, restrict, abridge, or condition - (A) The use of any fund, service, facility, or benefit; or (B) The granting of any endorsement, approval, or recognition, to any person or persons that are organized for, or engaged in, promoting, encouraging, or condoning any homosexual act, lifestyle, orientation, or belief.
In a letter opposing the exemption’s repeal, the Liberty Counsel, a Christian public interest law firm, stated that “attempting to impose employment regulations on church schools and religious schools whose doctrines and sincere religious convictions forbid homosexual or cross-dressing affiliation and employment is flatly unconstitutional.”
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