Catholic World News

Chaldean patriarch calls on Muslims to denounce violence against Christians

October 08, 2014

The head of the Chaldean Catholic Church has called upon Muslims to denounce violence against Christians.

“We Iraqi Christians are a genuine and essential component in Iraq; we would like to stay with you as partners and work together as a team for the progress of our country and the good of our people,” Patriarch Louis Sako said in a message to Muslims for Eid al-Adha.

The Islamic State “has displaced us of our towns and even in Baghdad the pressures are exerted on us, but we tell you that we love you because Jesus Christ commanded us to love everyone,” he continued. “We believe that all Muslims do not approve the actions of ISIS and there are some of Muslims who are good and considered as a blessing like Dr. Mohammed Al-Asali, who was killed in defense of Christians in Mosul.”

“We hope that you openly declare your reject[ion] and condemnation of violent religious extremism,” he added, as he called upon Iraq’s national government to work with Kurdistan’s regional government and liberate Mosul from the control of the Islamic State.


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  • Posted by: jg23753479 - Oct. 08, 2014 6:58 AM ET USA

    A plea delivered to an audience remarkable for its sparseness and fear, the latter well-founded. Christians inside and outside the Vatican who think they can somehow talk Mohammedanism out of daily committing revolting atrocities are delusional. Nauseous violence is rooted in the very texts Muslims hold most sacred.