Catholic World News

USCCB committee chair, Iranian scholars issue statement on weapons of mass destruction

June 19, 2014

Bishop Richard Pates, the chairman of the Committee on International Justice and Peace of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has joined two leading Shiite Muslim scholars in Iran in issuing a statement on weapons of mass destruction.

Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, the retired archbishop of Washington, was also among the joint statement’s four signatories.

“Christianity and Islam cherish a common heritage that emphasizes, above all, love and respect for the life, dignity, and welfare of all members of the human community,” according to the statement. “Both of our traditions reject as reprehensible all forms of transgression and injustice. We oppose any action that endangers the life, health, dignity, or welfare of others. Catholicism and Shia Islam hold a common commitment to peaceful coexistence and mutual respect.”

“These foundational moral values unite us in raising fundamental moral questions regarding weapons of mass destruction,” the statement continued. “Shia Islam opposes and forbids the production, stockpiling, use and threat to use weapons of mass destruction. Catholicism is also working for a world without weapons of mass destruction and calls on all nations to rid themselves of these indiscriminate weapons.”

The joint statement concluded:

We call on all societies and persons to respect religion and its role in sharing moral guidance in the public square. As religious leaders, we condemn all forms of disrespect for the religious traditions of others. Just as importantly, we commit ourselves to active interreligious dialogue that transcends governments and national boundaries and serves the common good of the whole human family. It is our mutual intention to engage in a sustained dialogue based on our shared values.


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  • Posted by: Frodo1945 - Jun. 20, 2014 5:43 PM ET USA

    Just who are the two leading Shiite Muslim scholars actually speaking for beyond themselves??? Uh, that would be nobody! Not worth the paper it was written on and not a newsworthy item, IMO.

  • Posted by: skall391825 - Jun. 20, 2014 3:53 AM ET USA

    It worked for the Communists with our old "Justice and Peace" crowd, so why shouldn't it work again for the peace loving Shiites?