Catholic World News

USCCB advises 'attentiveness' to local Girl Scout programs

April 11, 2014

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth has conducted a dialogue with the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) and issued a non-binding resource guide for bishops to help them decide whether it is appropriate to collaborate with the organization.

According to the USCCB, “the questions can be grouped around three areas:  (1) GSUSA’s relationship with organizations such as Planned Parenthood and GSUSA’s relationship to its international affiliate, the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS); (2) GSUSA’s policy on matters pertaining to human sexuality, contraception, and abortion; and (3) GSUSA programmatic materials and resources, and questions about inappropriate content.”

“Attentiveness is needed to avoid programming and initiatives that are not in accord with Catholic teaching,” according to the new USCCB resource guide. The USCCB's committee “considered the possibility of local councils or troops collaborating with or forming a relationship with Planned Parenthood to be an area of serious concern deserving close attention at the local level.”  


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  • Posted by: Margaret - Apr. 13, 2014 6:16 PM ET USA

    "...a non-binding resource guide to help the bishops decide whether it is appropriate to collaborate with the organization". How can any association be appropriate if it has already been documented that GSAUSA collaborates with Planned Parenthood? It would be appropriate, though, for the USCCB to come out with clear guidelines that adhere to the teachings of the Church.

  • Posted by: lauriem5377 - Apr. 13, 2014 12:08 AM ET USA

    More Catholic dollars supporting anti-Catholic teachings.

  • Posted by: Louise01 - Apr. 12, 2014 12:26 AM ET USA

    What a snow job. In Spring 2004,GSAUSA CEO Kathy Cloninger told NBC News "We have a relationship with Planned Parenthood organizations across the country to bring information-based sex education programs to girls." ALL's STOPP, Intl contacted all 315 councils: 17 did have a relationship; 49 none, 249 refused to answer

  • Posted by: lauriem5377 - Apr. 11, 2014 5:34 PM ET USA

    Attentiveness? If the Bishops know the Girl Scouts have an association with Planned Parenthood, why would they foster any association of children with them. They should be warning parents in the strongest terms to safeguard the souls of their children.