Prelate asks employees of Catholic organizations to pray Divine Office at work every day
February 19, 2014
The archbishop of Singapore has urged the employees of all parishes, schools, and other Catholic institutions to gather to pray Lauds, Midday Prayer, and Vespers from the Liturgy of the Hours.
“As you are all aware, the battle cry of the Universal Church is the urgency of the work of the New Evangelization which entails, in the first place, a personal conversion of every Catholic, from the Pope to the bishops, priests, religious and laity,” Archbishop William Goh Seng Chye wrote in a recent letter. “The primary conversion is a renewal of our personal relationship with the Lord, encountering Him in a real and personal way so that we can effectively and convincingly proclaim the joy of the Gospel to all those who do not yet know Him.”
In addition to the daily recitation of portions of the Liturgy of the Hours, Archbishop Goh enoouraged employees of Catholic organizations to gather together weekly at work for Bible study.
“I urge all employers of Catholic organizations to encourage their Catholic workers to take a five-day paid leave to do an annual spiritual retreat and, if necessary, for the organization to subsidize the retreat if done locally,” he added.
The Southeast Asian nation of 5.5 million is 43% Buddhist, 15% Muslim, 10% Protestant, 9% Taoist, 4% Hindu, and 4% Catholic.
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Further information:
- An Invitation To Prayer At Work (St. Joseph Church Bukit Timah)
- Archbishop Goh: "Sanctify work with prayer" (Fides)
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