Noted journalist John Allen to leave National Catholic Reporter, join Boston Globe
January 07, 2014
John Allen, the noted journalist who has covered the Vatican for years for the National Catholic Reporter, will be leaving that weekly paper to take a new post with the Boston Globe.
Allen will join the Globe in February. His new job could involve the creation of a new publication devoted to Catholic issues and published by the secular newspaper.
In announcing the hiring of Allen, Globe editor Brian McGrory said that the veteran journalist would be serving the Boston daily as an analyst covering Catholic affairs. However, the Globe editor added:
He will also help us explore the very real possibility of launching a free-standing publication devoted to Catholicism, drawing in other correspondents and leading voices from near and far.
Allen, who has emerged as the foremost Vatican journalist in the English-speaking world, has written several popular books and served as an analyst for the CNN television network along with his regular coverage for the National Catholic Reporter.
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Further information:
- John Allen, legendary Vatican reporter, to join staff of The Boston Globe (Boston Globe)
- John Allen to cover Catholicism, the Vatican for Boston Globe (National Catholic Reporter)
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Posted by: spledant7672 -
Jan. 16, 2014 2:35 PM ET USA
John Allen is the best contemporary example of a journalist reporting on anything. That his beat should be the Catholic Church is something for which we can all be grateful. That he may have formative editorial input into a new publication is a wonderful extension of his gift of perspective. I was encouraged to read his work here, by Phil, and am thankful for it.
Posted by: john1948 -
Jan. 15, 2014 9:12 AM ET USA
John Allen has jumped from one declining publication to another. The York Times Company bought the Boston Globe in 1993 for a record $1.1 billion and sold it last year for a mere $70 million--a 93% loss. Furthermore, circulation at the Boston Globe has declined nearly 50% sine 2002. The NCR has a circulation of just 35,000.
Posted by: -
Jan. 12, 2014 10:34 AM ET USA
What does "free-standing" mean in this context? Standing free from Catholic doctrine? Be wary of the Globe.
Posted by: MatJohn -
Jan. 07, 2014 9:35 PM ET USA
Well, the shoe that has been awaited has now dropped. The Globe is a perfect vehicle for Allen- progressive ,much more money, extensive coverage. You can now quote him at length without giving his former employer the publicity that it shouldn't get. Then again you could always seek out someone else with Catholic credentials that are Catholic and could use the publicity even if you have to privately acknowledge citing a lesser light.
Posted by: jg23753479 -
Jan. 07, 2014 6:29 PM ET USA
John Allen is a very fine reporter. I would like to say the same thing about the quality of both the previous and future journals where he worked and will work. But I cannot in either case.
Posted by: -
Jan. 07, 2014 6:04 PM ET USA
Very positive development. He was giving the National Catholic Reporter a good name, something they most certainly did not deserve. Now, no one will visit them anymore. The Boston Globe is secular. Therefore, they have less potential credibility on Catholic issues than NCR. Less people will be led into error this way. If he starts a Catholic paper, will that be Left-leaning? Will it put NCR out of business?