Catholic World News

Cardinal Dolan describes an ideal papal candidate

February 28, 2013

In choosing a new Pope, “you look for a man who reminds you of Jesus,” said New York’s Cardinal Timothy Dolan.

In an interview with CNN correspondent Christiane Amanpour, Cardinal Dolan said that he and other cardinals still need to “work through some grief” about the departure of Pope Benedict XVI before settling down to the work of choosing a new Pontiff. But the American prelate—who reminded his interviewer that he would be participating in a conclave for the first time—sketched out the characteristics that an ideal candidate would have.

Among the traits that a new Pope should have, Cardinal Dolan said that he should be a good pastor, well versed in Catholic doctrine and theology, understanding of the diverse needs of the universal Church, fluent in different languages—(“at least English and Italian”)—and someone with the ability to govern the Church effectively.


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  • Posted by: Defender - Feb. 28, 2013 10:21 PM ET USA

    Not Latin, the official language of the Church? "... someone with the ability to govern the Church effectively" is most needed, as well. Most U.S. clergy don't govern well because they are PC and/or afraid to make waves and are so "political" themselves...

  • Posted by: Minnesota Mary - Feb. 28, 2013 6:35 PM ET USA

    Well, Jesus was only 33 years old when he was crucified, so a young Pope would be in order. Aren't all of the Cardinals old men?