Catholic Culture News
Catholic Culture News
Catholic World News

USCCB asks Catholics to call Congressmen, call for action on religious freedom

February 22, 2013

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has issued an “action alert” asking Catholics to call their representatives in Congress to enact a “conscience clause” protecting those who are morally opposed to coverage of contraception in the new federal health-care policy.

The USCCB notes:

Now is the time to act! Congress will soon be considering a "must-pass" bill that will fund the federal government. Congress can include conscience protection as part of that bill and solve this problem now.

The “action alert” suggests the wording for messages to Congressional representatives, providing an explanation for each sentence. The alert concludes with the recommendation that Congressmen should be urged to “take whatever action is necessary to protect religious freedom and the moral convictions of all.”


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