Catholic World News

Archbishop Lori: US bishops must work with Latin American bishops to re-evangelize Americas

December 12, 2012

In Rome for a conference commemorating the 15th anniversary Blessed John Paul II’s apostolic exhortation Ecclesia in America, Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore said that prelates must work together to re-evangelize the Americas.

“I think its important for us to recognize the common Christian identity of the continent of America, and for that we only have to turn to our Lady of Guadalupe,” he said. “With the advent of such rapid communications, trade, with the common problems that we are facing such as the drug trafficking there is a great need for us to work together.”

“And as I observe the United States of America and as I see that all of the growth in population is coming from immigration it is almost self-evident that we have to work together, that we have to forge, strengthen those bonds of communion and solidarity so that we can unite in re-evangelizing the whole continent,” he continued.

“It’s important for bishops and priests to give our people the tools they need to go forth and evangelize the world, to build this civilization of love” Archbishop Lori added. “So often I think there are missed opportunities when preaching becomes rather general, when in fact our families our professional men and women our children are facing so many challenges in our culture.”


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  • Posted by: unum - Dec. 13, 2012 9:14 AM ET USA

    Hmmmm ... Charity begins at home, and I haven't seen much Ecclesia in America in out in the parishes of our U.S. dioceses so far.