Catholic World News

French government plans 'equality' for same-sex marriage

September 13, 2012

Same-sex couples unions will be given full legal recognition, and civic officials will be obliged to preside at same-sex weddings, under a proposal to be introduced by the French government.

The law will also clear the way for adoption by same-sex couples. However the government does not plan any new initiatives to make assisted-reproduction techniques accessible to homosexual couples.

Justice minister Christiane Taubira told La Croix that no exceptions would be allowed for mayors who are personally opposed to same-sex marriage. “The mayors are public officials who represent the state when they celebrate marriage,” said Taubira. “We are a state of law, the civil code is going to be amended, it applies to everyone.”


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  • Posted by: Leferink557202 - Sep. 13, 2012 5:57 PM ET USA

    And in related news, hundreds of French civic officials resign en masse...well I can hope, right?

  • Posted by: fwhermann3492 - Sep. 13, 2012 5:08 PM ET USA

    So much for tolerance.