Catholic World News

Charlotte diocese’s banners near Democratic convention site tout religious liberty, right to life

September 05, 2012

The Diocese of Charlotte has posted two large banners outside the downtown parish closest to the site of the Democratic National Convention.

A 6-by-27-foot banner reads, “A Message from the Catholic Church: Protect the Unborn, Defend Marriage, Safeguard Religious Liberty,” and a 6-by-10-foot banner reads, “A Message from the Catholic Church: Religious Liberty, The Soul of Democracy.”

“This is a wonderful opportunity for evangelization,” said Bishop Peter Jugis.

Charlotte’s cathedral, which is located outside the convention area, is also hosting 80 hours of Eucharistic adoration during the convention.

“This time of adoration and prayer will focus on petitions for our country, our leaders, and ourselves in atonement for our sins and for the future of our nation,” according to the event announcement. “Among these petitions are the right to live, unthreatened by government mandate, from natural conception to natural death, and for the freedom of conscience and the unhindered worship of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

“We will also ask our Lord for an increase in holy vocations to the priesthood and the consecrated life within the Diocese of Charlotte and the wider world.”


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  • Posted by: lauriem5377 - Sep. 05, 2012 9:00 PM ET USA

    What a wonderful message! This should be hanging outside every Catholic church, hospital, college and religious institution in the country! My spirit was lifted just reading this article!