Catholic World News

Theologians blast US bishops on same-sex marriage

May 11, 2012

Three theologians who teach at Jesuit institutions--Paul Lakeland of Fairfield University, Daniel Maguire of Marquette University, and Frank Parella of Santa Clara University--blasted the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for its opposition to same-sex marriage.

“[Cardinal Timothy] Dolan and the United States Catholic Conference are misrepresenting ‘Catholic teaching,’ and are trying to present their idiosyncratic minority view as the ‘Catholic position,’ and it is not,” said Maguire in an e-mail. “The bishops will stand with Dolan and the US Catholic Conference, but on this issue, they are in moral schism since most in the Church have moved on [to] a more humane view on the rights of those whom God has made gay.”

“Most Catholic theologians approve of same-sex marriage and Catholics generally do not differ much from the overall population on this issue,” Maguire added. Maguire, an ex-priest, has also been a stalwart defender of legal abortion.

Parella said he sees “nothing in the Gospels” that should lead the Church to oppose same-sex marriage, while Lakeland said that the US bishops’ opposition to same-sex marriage is “not really an argument that has a theological justification.”


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  • Posted by: unum - May. 12, 2012 7:22 AM ET USA

    Maguire says, "but on this issue, they are in moral schism since most in the Church have moved on [to] a more humane view on the rights of those whom God has made gay.” Hmmm. "Theologians" who are under the impression that the Catholic Church is a democracy where the majority rules. Colleges "in the Jesuit tradition" had better review their personnel policies because they are hiring professors of theology who can't get their facts right, much less their opinions.

  • Posted by: ColmCille - May. 12, 2012 2:09 AM ET USA

    The "Magisterium of Theologians" rears its ugly head again. They think the title gives them authority. Whatever the "majority of (liberal) theologians" think is, to them, the real teaching of the Church. One would think Jesus commissioned not the 12 Apostles but "the 12 Theologians." Of course, theologians have zero authority--the authoritative, Magisterial teachings of the pope and bishops are the very definition of the "Catholic Position," even if no theologians, or anyone else, accepts them.

  • Posted by: veniteadoremus1822 - May. 12, 2012 1:18 AM ET USA

    Time for a major reform and renewal of the Jesuit order so that all apostates can be permanently removed from positions of instruction.

  • Posted by: williiam ronner - May. 11, 2012 10:32 PM ET USA

    Apparently the theologians now have the authority the Magisterium had. An interesting bit of info is that Maguire's son thought so much of his father's theological teachings that he left the Catholic Church and became a Muslim. And a Catholic University still has this guy on its staff?

  • Posted by: TheJournalist64 - May. 11, 2012 6:43 PM ET USA

    Let's be serious--every act of homosexual conduct is abusive in its very nature. Call it what you like, it's still abuse of the sexual functions, and unnatural. Let's call the real marriage "true" or "natural" marriage and be honest about it.

  • Posted by: aclune9083 - May. 11, 2012 1:49 PM ET USA

    Since these "theologians" are employees of "Catholic" institutions, but are in defiance of the Magisterium, why aren't they fired? If not dismissed, why doesn't each institution and the USCCB publically refute their position on this issue? Or are the inmates truly running the asylum?

  • Posted by: Lucius49 - May. 11, 2012 11:52 AM ET USA

    There is zero support for gay marriage in either Scripture or Tradition. There is real confusion between the friendship/love and male/female love.The issue is not Cardinal Dolan and the bishops but these individuals who have embraced gay ideology, an intellectual malaise which sees reality simply as a function of the human subject's ideas rather than conforming to an objective order. An apologia pro vita suorum? Deus scit.

  • Posted by: Defender - May. 11, 2012 10:53 AM ET USA

    This makes things so much clearer - the bishops have to demand that colleges use the Mandatum. It's no coincidence that the Jesuit schools are the first ones to look at. "...God has made gay"??? Of course there is no genetic proof for this, but this doesn't stop some from saying idiotic things. Remember that American shrinks voted (!) on whether homosexuality was no longer a disease in the '70s. How can the bishops ask people to defend religious freedom when they can't their own house in order?