Catholic Culture Trusted Commentary
Catholic Culture Trusted Commentary
Catholic World News

New York bishops recommend higher minimum wage

May 04, 2012

The Catholic bishops of New York have issued a call for a raise in the state's minimum wage.

The bishops argued that the current minimum wage, $7.25 an hour, in inadequate to maintain an adequate standard of living in New York. While conceding that they are not economic experts, the bishops say: "What we can tell you from first-hand experience is that it is becoming increasingly difficult for the working poor of our state to make ends meet.”


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  • Posted by: mgreen32234 - May. 07, 2012 4:56 PM ET USA

    Card. Dolan, once again, is ill-informed by the progressive Democrat advisors surrounding him. For sure, there isn't one Ryan Catholic in the bunch. They are 40 years behind the times, stale and chronically stuck in a 20th century mindset. Wouldn't surprise me if he stiill thinks Walter Cronkite was the most trustworthy man in America. I pray that Dolan wakes up; I live in NY. We have ssm here becuase those same lousy advisors didn't see it coming. Time to clean house, Card Dolan.

  • Posted by: unum - May. 05, 2012 9:29 AM ET USA

    If the bishops think it's hard to live on $7.25 and hour, they should try to live without a job. In the weak Obama economy, an increase in the minimum wage is guaranteed to increase unemployment. Only a Catholic bishop would say, "I don't know anything about the economy, but here is what you ought to do about wages!"

  • Posted by: benniep5 - May. 04, 2012 11:06 PM ET USA

    And everytime minimum wage is raised more of them, the working poor, find it harder to find jobs, for many small companies will do with less workers, so they can afford the higher wages for their other workers. It is even harder to get by with no wages then with a minimum wage. With minimum wage hikes, also come tax hikes for the employer, and on top of that, minimum wage limits,& other labor regulations,have done away with jobs for youth. & the poorest paid workers tend to work for the Church.