Catholic World News

White House denies health-care mandate violates Catholic consciences

February 01, 2012

The White House has denied that requiring contraceptive coverage in health-care plans poses a threat to religious liberty.

Jay Carney, the White House press secretary, told reporters at a January 31 briefing that the administration’s new regulation does not give rise to any “constitutional rights issues.” He said:

The administration believes that this proposal strikes the appropriate balance between respecting religious beliefs and increasing access to important preventative services.

Most of the Catholic bishops in the US have expressed their public disagreement with the Obama administration’s position, condemning the new mandate as an offense against religious freedom and the rights of conscience.


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  • Posted by: claire5327 - Feb. 02, 2012 7:07 PM ET USA

    May be the White House should try its health care policy with the Islamic communities across the globe~ pro Homosexual Marriage, Abortion and Birth Control policies what serve the animality not the morality of the human race. Leave our Catholic Church alone! He is not Our God! We abide in The Ten Commandments, not what comes out from the mouth whos host is without virtue!

  • Posted by: normnuke - Feb. 01, 2012 10:14 PM ET USA

    Well c'mon, who're you going to believe on this? A bunch of bishops, or a President of the United States famous for only telling the truth?

  • Posted by: williiam ronner - Feb. 01, 2012 8:21 PM ET USA

    So Catholics who voted for Obama, How's that working out now?

  • Posted by: wolfdavef3415 - Feb. 01, 2012 5:41 PM ET USA

    Paragraph 2272 of the Catechism disagrees (pg 606). "Formal cooperation in an abortion constitutes a grave offense." Or perhaps 1652-1654? Openness to fertility (pp 460-461). Perhaps the headline SHOULD read "White House Denies Catholics are Catholic".