Catholic World News

Apostolic visitation of Diocese of Cleveland

July 12, 2011

The Holy See has asked Bishop John Smith, who governed the Diocese of Trenton from 1995 until his retirement in 2010, to conduct a visitation of the Diocese of Cleveland.

The announcement of the visitation comes amid anger over Bishop Richard Lennon’s decision to close 50 parishes. According to a diocesan statement, the visitation is being made at Bishop Lennon’s request.

“While I am confident that I am faithfully handling the responsibilities entrusted to me, I personally made this request earlier this year because a number of persons have written to Rome expressing their concerns about my leadership of the diocese,” Bishop Lennon said. “This visit will be an opportunity to gather extensive information on all aspects of the activities of the Diocese and will allow for an objective assessment of my leadership. I ask for prayers that this process will support the vibrancy and vitality of our Diocese going forward.”


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