Catholic World News News Feature

Mexican "Cristeros" martyrs beatified November 21, 2005

Cardinal José Saraiva Martins presided at the beatification of 13 Mexican martyrs of the 20th century, in ceremonies held in a soccer stadium in Guadalajara on November 20.

The martyrs-- 3 priests and 10 laymen-- were members of the Cristeros movement, which rose up in the late 1920s to defy the anti-religious strictures of the Mexican regime. They join a growing list of 20th-century Mexicans recognized by the Church, including the 25 martyrs beatified by Pope John Paul II during his trip to Mexico in 2000.

In a message relayed to the Gaudalajara congregation by satelitte, Pope Benedict XVI said that it was appropriate to hold the beatification ceremonies on the feast of Christ the King; many of the Cristeros martyrs shouted "Viva Cristo Rey!" as they faced their executioners.

The Pope made a point of naming the martyrs recognized on Sunday: Anacleto Gonzalez Flores and seven companions, José Trinidad Rangel, Andres Sola Molist, Leonardo Perez, Dario Acosta Zurita, and José Sanchez del Rio, who died at the age of 14.