Catholic Culture Overview
Catholic Culture Overview

Catholic Recipe: Spring, Summer, Early Fall Dinner Menu


  • Cream of Leek Soup (see recipe)
  • Chicken Pot Pie (see recipe)
  • Orange and Spanish Onion Salad
  • Raspberry Gelatin (see recipe)
  • Plain Cream


Serves: 6

Prep Time: N/A

Difficulty:  ★★☆☆

Cost:  ★★☆☆

For Ages: 11+



Food Categories (1)


Often Made With (3)

Feasts (0)

Of all the days in the week, Sunday is the one when families should be able to be together to enjoy the leisure hours. Saturday hustles and bustles. There's shopping to do, an appointment at the hairdressers, a ball game, lawn mowing, hedge clipping, gardening, repairs around the house, and other odd jobs in their season. But on Sundays, after Mass, the family — all but Mother — can be together. Why not Mother? Because all too often she is isolated in the kitchen, cooking up a big Sunday dinner for the family's enjoyment. Then when the dinner is finally served, she is usually too tired to have any appetite or any pleasure in it.

With a simple change or two in the schedule, and some thinking in the way of menu planning, Mother can be free to enjoy life too.

The schedule depends on the hour when the family attends Mass. If everyone likes to sleep a little later than usual and attend Mass at ten or eleven o'clock, only two meals are necessary — a hearty late breakfast and dinner at the accustomed hour. If churchgoing is earlier, there will be a light breakfast, a snack at lunchtime, and dinner as usual. In the latter instance, it is even more important to plan an easy dinner.

With all the so-called convenience foods — frozen, canned, semiprepared, and ready to heat and serve — at her disposal, Mother can really enjoy her Sundays with her family. Let's prove it, with a dozen menus to illustrate what can be done.


Preparation Notes Use packaged dry soup mix, following directions on the package.

The Chicken Pot Pie takes only minutes to prepare and pop in the oven.

Peel and slice navel oranges; slice a sweet Spanish or Bermuda onion paper thin; separate slices into rings, add to orange slices; drench with sweetened, bottled French dressing.

Dessert should be made on Saturday and refrigerated.

Recipe Source: Cook's Blessings, The by Demetria Taylor, Random House, New York, 1965