Catholic Culture Dedication
Catholic Culture Dedication

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Catholic Recipe: Brustengo--Gubbian Flat Bread


  • 4 Cups unbleached, all-purpose flour
  • 3 1/2 cups water
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • Vegetable oil for frying


Prep Time: N/A

Difficulty:  ★★☆☆

Cost:  ★★☆☆

For Ages: All

Origin: Italy


Food Categories (1)


Feasts (1)

Also Called: Gubbian Flat Bread

Gubbio is also in the region of Umbria, and St. Francis traveled there and helped save the town from the ravenous wolf. Remembering the dear wolf of Gubbio, here's some Gubbian recipes: a simple Flat Bread and Stewed Chicken.

This is brustengo, the fried flat bread of Gubbio, fried in a flat skillet. If you make the batter ahead of time, it will thicken slightly; it should be pourable, like pancake batter, so thin it down before you use it, if necessary. Serve the bread warm as is or with prosciutto, dried sausage, and olives for an antipasto.


Mix the flour, water, and salt together in a bowl.

Pour the oil to a depth of 1/2-inch into a 10-inch heavy-duty skillet or frying pan and heat until hot. Test the hotness of the oil by dropping a small dribble of batter into the skillet; if it browns and bubbles immediately, the oil is hot enough. I keep a candy thermometer in the oil to make sure it is at 375° F.

Pour or scoop and spread about a cupful of the batter into the oil, and when the bread begins to brown around the edges, flip it over carefully to brown the other side. Use a slotted spoon to remove the bread and allow it to drain on paper towels.

Use up all the batter in the same way. Depending on the size of your pan, you should be able to get at least 10 to 12 rounds.

Recipe Source: Ciao Italia in Umbria by Mary Ann Esposito, St. Martin's Press, 2002