Catholic Recipe: Marzipan Roses


  • Marzipan (available at local grocery stores or specialty stores. Call first)
  • Gel paste food coloring (in color desired for roses)
  • Green gel paste food coloring (for leaves)
  • Plastic gloves


Prep Time: N/A

Difficulty:  ★★★☆

Cost:  ★★☆☆

For Ages: 11+



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Marizpan is made from a paste consisting of sugar or honey and ground almonds. It is often shaped into fruit or flowers and served alone as candy or used as decoration for cakes.


Tint the marzipan to desired shade then work the marzipan with your hands until the color is evenly distributed and is warm to your touch. It will develop a gloss as you work it.

Break off small amount and roll it in your palm until round. Pinch the end to make a point like a strawberry. Set on wax paper.

Break off a slightly larger piece, about the size of a small marble. Roll the piece in your hand until round, then begin flattening the ball with your thumb. (the flatter you make it, the more realistic the rose, especially the edges. If it tears, just put it back together.

When it is flattened thin, pick up the strawberry-shape ball and wrap the ball with the flat petal. It is best to only leave a little of the point of the strawberry shaped ball showing to create the center of the rose. Then roll the edge of your first petal like a rose that is beginning to open.

Repeat this procedure until your are pleased with the size. A few petals creates a bud...more creates a full blown rose.

To finish, flatten some green tinted marzipan and make a star shape either with a knife or by pinching. Place the green star on the bottom of the rose to simulate the base of the flower.

Make the leaves out of the green marzipan by rolling and flattening to a realistic shape. You may use a knife to simulate the veining and serration of the leaves.

Place the finished roses on cake.

Recipe Source: Recipes from Various Websites