Catholic Culture Trusted Commentary
Catholic Culture Trusted Commentary

Catholic Recipe: Chiresaye (Cherry Pudding Decorated with Flowers)


  • Fresh cherries, pits removed
  • Cherry juice
  • Softened or melted butter
  • Unseasoned bread crumbs or finely minced white bread
  • Sugar
  • Semi-sweet red or white wine, or grape juice if preferred
  • Small pink flowers (edible/non-poisonous), or candy flowers if preferred


Prep Time: 30 Minutes

Difficulty:  ★☆☆☆

Cost:  ★★☆☆

For Ages: 11+

Origin: England


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This elegant dessert was made with fresh cherries, usually picked in the summer around the Feast of John the Baptist. (14th century England)


1. Purée the cherries by either finely mashing or using a blender or food processor.

2. Place in a large pot and add enough cherry juice to make a very wet mixture.

3. Blend in butter and wine.

4. Beat in bread, enough to thicken the cherries to a thick pudding-like consistency.

5. Add sugar to taste.

6. Bring the cherries to a soft boil, then reduce heat and cook for several minutes, stirring often to prevent sticking.

7. Place the pudding in serving dishes, decorate with the flowers, sprinkle sugar on top, then serve.

Cook's Note: If you have leftover pudding, you can place it in a bread pan, and bake until slightly firm. Insert a toothpick to test consistency; the toothpick should come out clean.