Catholic Recipe: Whiskey Punch


  • 1 measure of whiskey
  • 2 teaspoons white sugar
  • 4-6 cloves
  • 2 slices fresh lemon
  • 7 fl oz boiling water


Serves: 1

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Difficulty:  ★☆☆☆

Cost:  ★★☆☆

For Ages: 21+

Origin: Ireland


Food Categories (1)


Often Made With (1)


Feasts (1)

On St. Stephen's Day (Boxing Day) when I was a child there was a very old custom called Hunting the Wren which still persists in some parts of the country. Boys and girls dressed up in borrowed cast-offs and painted their faces with burnt corks or perhaps stolen lipstick then went from house to house in groups carrying a holly busy and singing the Wrenboys song.

The wren, the wren, the king of all birds
On St. Stephen's Day he got caught on the furze...

We would be given a few pence or sometimes a bun or a few biscuits. Older groups often had several musical instruments and drove from pub to pub singing songs. The collection was usually very worthwhile because of the spirit of Christmas!

Our family tradition was tied in to the local fox hunt on St Stephen's Day. After a late breakfast we'd pack up a picnic, tumble into the car and head for the local `hunt meet'. The picnic needed to be quite substantial because the weather was cold, and it was quite likely to be shared with many hungry friends. After the red-coated master blew his bugle to start his day's hunting he was followed not only by horses and hounds but by a stream of cars who followed the action from the nearest road.

The picnic at its most basic might include turkey and ham, spiced beef or smoked salmon sandwiches, a few wedges of Christmas cake and flasks of tea. But the real favourite was a bubbling stew transported in a haybox (see link). This would be ladled into deep bowls and it tasted pretty terrific on a cold December day. Buttery sponge cakes, clementines, mince pies and flasks of hot mulled wine made this one of the most memorable picnics of the year.

Eventually after much good cheer everyone would gather around a blazing fire in the local pub to sip glasses of steaming hot punch.

Whiskey or uisce beata (meaning 'the water of life') has kept the Irish in fine high spirits since ancient times - and we certainly don't need a festival to enjoy it! — Darina Allen


1. Put the whiskey, sugar, cloves and lemon slices into a strong glass.

2. Pour on the boiling water and stir until the sugar has dissolved.

3. Sip contentedly by a blazing fire.

Recipe Source: Festive Food of Ireland, The by Darina Allen, Kyle Cathie Limited, 1992